The Unbeatable Mind



Over the last 15 years, Cheryl Leigh has owned a thriving gym, run numerous weight loss challenges, boot camps and worked as a personal trainer. Cheryl has successfully coached countless athletes for both local and international fitness and figure competitions, presented figure and nutrition seminars and has had a long and accomplished competition career with WFF International and NABBA.

Cheryl has consistently placed top 3 in many international figure amateur and professional figure shows in Brazil, Italy, Korea, Malta, France, Florida USA, Russia, UK and Australia.

Prior to this, Cheryl worked with a variety of people as a professional social worker.

It has not always been easy for Cheryl to get into shape. In fact, for many years just mustering the willpower to stay on track for one single day was like living in a never-ending crazy headspace war zone. She overate, she gave up, she started again, she skipped training, she slept in, she felt blah, she struggled with motivation, she doubted herself and so many times, it all seemed just too hard.

The E-book includes quotes to motivate and energize.

Each of the 50 easy-to-digest chapters offers a different strategy with mindset reflection questions at the end of each chapter. You are encouraged to stop and think how you can apply the ideas to your personal journey. How can you improve? What can you change? This E-book guides you through this process and helps you to achieve spectacular results.

“I want to share all I know with you to create an unbeatable mind so that your world becomes limitless and you see the rainbows and sunshine on the stormy days, so that you find within you great power to courageously follow your dreams and do what needs to be done to live them, so that you don’t fall off the wagon, you don’t give up, you continue to believe despite naysayers and that unwelcome inner voice that says it can’t be done. I’m here to help you believe it CAN be done, to keep you focused when the lights are dim and noise outside is drowning your own music. I am here to push you and challenge you to be your greatest self to develop a spectacular mind, body and soul. It ALL STARTS with your mindset. It really does. Your greatest potential will only ever be limited by your own thinking. We’ve got this!”

Cheryl Leigh.
ProMetabolic Life Founder
WFF International Superbody and NABBA Trained Figure Professional athlete.


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