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This is what a sassy, smart Zumba instructor like Kellee Cameron eats each day.


This is what an inspirational, motivating, sassy and intelligent zumba instructor like Kellee eats ….you will be simply amazed!!!

This is the exact same method Kellee uses to get lean, feel great and look amazing.

This is NOT like any traditional fitness diet…….yet look at how amazing she looks and read how amazing she feels.    

Click the link to head over to my blog to read what Kellee says, her story, the diet she eats, and how Pro-Metabolic Nutrition has changed her life.  It most certainly can do the same for you too!!!!


“I have always enjoyed fitness, my family and my health.  Prior to 2017 I had only ever eaten traditional fitness diets of chicken, rice, broccoli and of course I ate very, very low calorie plans.

I was exhausted, depleted and my mental health suffering considerably.    

I joined the ProComp team in 2017 to compete in an international ProAm figure competition. I had not ever competed as a figure athlete previously choosing to compete as a bikini model. I went on to win my class in Mexico and was awarded a WFF International ProCard as a figure athlete.

I committed to the ProComp Coaching program and followed my custom designed Pro-metabolic meal plan religiously. My custom ProMetabolic meal plan was designed by Cheryl and Blair and included foods that had previously been denied and excluded.

I was surprised at how easy the plan was to follow.  

I started to enjoy my food and nutrition again and was eating food that was previously untouched and never included in my usual comp prep plans.  I was eating yoghurt, fruit, cheese, orange juice, sourdough toast and even chocolate each night. This plan left me feeling more satisfied and I no longer felt like I was missing out.

My mental health improved dramatically as a result.  

I also experienced other positives and benefits that I was not expecting and did not believe was possible whilst dieting!!!

I had way more energy throughout the day and even slept better at night.  My skin was glowing and my eyes seemed brighter.

The cellulite on my legs also began to significantly reduce. Cellulite was an embarrassing and frustrating problem i had always had…..even when lean.

People started commenting about how healthy I was looking.  After experiencing the exhausting process of previous comp preps, I simply could not believe the difference!!!

I continued to slowly increase calories each week and i was ACTUALLY BECOMING LEANER.   

Since becoming a ProComp Team athlete  in 2017 I have exclusively used Pro-Metabolic nutrition methods to compete in an amateur in 2 competitions and as an International athlete in Sydney, Brisbane and Shanghai China.  

“I am so proud to be a ProComp International coached athlete and I am extremely grateful to Cheryl and Blair for prioritizing my health and metabolism by introducing me to Pro-Metabolic nutrition system. This has been life changing for me as it allows me to enjoy food again by eating more delicious and nutritious food instead of starving and flogging my body to get lean. I have experienced so many physical and mental benefits as a result.”


She loves sour dough and chocolate……when eaten in the right combinations and quantiles she maintains her incredible looking figure and health.

Sour dough, Eggs and Cheese

Pulp free Orange juice

Cottage cheese and Chobani Yoghurt

Frozen cherries

Sourdough and butter

Chicken and Rice

Orange Juice and gelatin

Sourdough bread, cheese and ripe fruit

Chicken, Rice and butter

Orange Juice and gelatin

Lindt quality chocolate

Milk and honey

You can also benefit from eating MORE food to get leaner.   

Doing LESS cardio to create a healthier, more balanced body, that still gets leaner.

This is a direct result of improved health, greater energy and including what was once thought to be bad taboo foods back into your diet.  It works and it is really not difficult.

If you are pumped and excited to challenge yourself with your own 12-WEEK CHALLENGE then our 12-week Pro-Metabolic BOOST AND SHRED MEAL PLAN PROGRAM is perfect. This is the exact process we are using with both our contest clients and our personal one-on-one coaching clients.

Finally, a way to get lean without destroying your metabolism.

12-weeks of delicious meal plans including a detailed manual explaining how Pro-metabolic nutrition balances hormones and improves thyroid gland functioning and metabolic rate.   Fat loss favours a fast metabolism.


Nourishing the body instead of stressing the body.  

If you want to get rid of bloating, ProMetabolic nutrition is perfect for you.

The focus is to achieve a fast metabolism by balancing hormones.  

Fat loss and health favour balance.   

It is delicious food with a unique combination of PRO-thyroid food. ProMetabolic nutrition is based on the research and philosophy of leading endocrinologist Dr Ray Peat and his Dr Ray Peat nutrition findings.

NOTE:  Kellee is PRO athlete, a Personal Trainer and a Zumba instructor based in Singleton NSW Australia.  Kellee is passionate about the fitness industry and will happily consider any collaborations with brands that are congruent and aligned with her ideology,  outlook on life, family, dance, health or fitness.

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