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We all love to read success stories………and these pictures will certainly wow you!

Success stories remind us that every one of us, whether we are mums, dads, teachers, electricians, or real estate agents that we are capable of achieving amazing things with the right nutritional approach and mindset.   

Greatness is not just for a special few!  Anyone can recreate their body and their health with the right approach.

We invite you to scroll through some of the success stories on our ProComp website of how normal people have created amazing looking, health bodies using our Pro-Metabolic Nutritional approach.    Nutrition that is balanced, delicious, and actually each week increases calories not drops calories.

Looking and feeling fantastic does NOT need to be hard.  We DO NOT cut carbs.  WE avoid excessive cardio.  We eat a balanced variety of food.  We aim to create healthy bodies that are hormonally balanced without destroying metabolism but rather by increasing metabolic rate. 

We use a unique combination of nutrients based on the science of endocrinologists to upregulate metabolic rate.  When your metabolism is fast then your fat burning is fast.    

Everyone on these people featured on our success stories pages have eat Pro-Metabolic nutrition. The foods include:


  • Ripe tropical fruit.
  • Pulp free orange juice.
  • Raw honey.
  • Yoghurts.
  • Quality chocolate.
  • Sour dough with butter and eggs.
  • Fruit smoothies.
  • Grated carrot salads…and the list goes on.

We have just released our 12-week Pro-Metabolic Boost and Shred Meal Plan Program. This program is unique and it provides a different meal plan.  In phase 1, the goal is to upregulate metabolic rate to set the scene for a hormonally balanced body. This stage sets up the phase 2 fat loss phases.   When metabolism is faster…then fat loss is faster.

PM or email me any questions at   I’d love for you to experience the difference the right nutrition makes to your body health, energy, focus, mood, and hormonal balance. 

Otherwise click the link below and read all about how our Pro-Metabolic Boost and Shred program works and I can assure you your life will never be the same.
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