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Ah…my love hate relationship with squatting.  

Let’s be honest…. The only reason I squat is to try to build a booty-licious booty.  I don’t enjoy squats.  It hurts when I do them.   I am always tempted to skip them.  I don’t look forward to them – hats off to all of the super-athletes both women and men out there that love them. Regardless, I squat every week because I know they deliver results.  Squats only get results if done correctly.

One of the biggest mistakes I see in so many training plans is underestimating the important of compound exercise.   Squatting, pushing, pressing and pulling anything heavy is out of everyone’s comfort zone and will deliver results.   


  1. WARM UP: Start with mobility and flexibility exercises in particular hip and ankle. When I do a kneeling hip flexor, I stretch before I squat so that I have the mobility to go lower.
  • SQUAT RACK.   I prefer the squat rack to the Smith machine. The Smith machine locks you in a fixed line of an up and done movement that prevents your back from its natural arch.  This places extra stress on joints.
  • SQUAT HEAVY. This is essential without comprising form.  Research shows that to increase strength, the optimal number of reps is between 3 and 9. 
  • GO DEEP. Squat deeply using a proper range of motion and push up through your heels. This activates glutes and hamstrings.  Do not do little partial reps.
  • ALWAYS FOCUS ON FORM. Always…never sacrifice form for weight.  Once I have the bar loaded on my back, I look forward and begin with a slight posterior pelvic tilt back to ensure proper spine alignment.
  • KNEES.  Simple advice we learn in PT 101…and people still get it wrong. Make sure your knees do not fall in as you squat.  Knees must stay in line with your feet.
  • WEIGHT BELTS.  I get asked a lot about weight belts. I don’t personally use one.  Research does conclude that a weight belt can improve stability and reduce spinal loading. This can improve performance.
  • BREATHING. This will improve your stability and help keep your core activated. I breathe in before I start my decent, and then exhale as I drive back up.
  • SET THE BAR UP AT THE RIGHT HEIGHT.  I never like seeing people have to squat to get the barbell off or have to tip toe to rack it. Not good.
  • PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD. This principle should be employed and used for the best gains.  Even if this means only adding a 1.25kg. If your focus is muscle and strength gains, you need to add weights to the bar

Squatting with the right form should be for everyone who wants great looking glutes and legs.  It is not just for power lifters and bodybuilders.  

I also think its great advice to get a PT to teach you or review your form.  The right form is essential as the potential for injury with heavy squats is really high

We have just launched 24 NEW TRAINING PLANS,

***only $9.95 each

From 3-day beginner programs to 5 day advanced programs.  

Programs which specialize in legs and glutes and also full body programs.

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