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Trained glutes give beautiful shape whether wearing stretch jeans or bikinis.

The reality is weight training is the only way to shape a body and to stay firm.   Running, spin classes or bootcamps won’t give a body the shape that only muscle can.   The only way to build muscle is to consistently, progressively lift weights.

As a judge I like to see the glutes of fitness and bikini competitors be dominant and pop out from the hamstring. For champion figure athletes I need to see striations across the glutes.  For everyone else it’s about roundness, shape, perkiness, and getting rid of the fat folds that sit underneath the glues.


Quite simply, squats, deadlifts and hip thrusters are the fundamental solid exercises for glute development


Brett Contreres has spent years researching and studying glute development. He did a number of EMG experiments (measures and records the muscular activity of the exercise) and interestingly, the HIP THRUST EXERCISE is the winner, hands down for glute development and the number of muscle fibres activated. 

I perform these with weighted barbells and make sure I drive up through my heels and reach a full hip extension, never to rise on my toes and never lifting my pelvie or hyperextending my spine (no chest arch).  I always aim for a squeeze and isometric hold at the top, mind to muscle contracting focusing on tightening my glutes.

Hip flexor flexibility is absolutely critical for maximum glute activation. Tight hip flexors will prevent maximum gains. I always do mobility and hip flexor stretches prior to any leg or glute work


it is still all about progressive overload so one needs to get stronger to make those glutes pop.


Most weeks I split leg training over 2 days so I can spend more time targeting glutes.   (and it makes the workload more bearable.  (Ive never enjoyed training legs)

My glute training this week (in addition to another day where I focused on quads)

  • Sumo barbell deadlifts
  • Cable weigthed rear and side donkey kicks  
  • Barbell Hip Thrusts
  • Wide stance kettlebell squats
  • Dumbell reverse lunges
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