10 ways to increase your temperature for faster metabolism, weight loss and greater health.
Because a warm body is a healthy, metabolic, fat burning body!
Do you get hot or cold?
Your TEMPERATURE is the greatest indicator of how healthy your metabolism is.
A WARM BODY with a higher temperature
A warm body is a healthy, fat-burning, metabolic body. This is a very good thing. The higher your temperatures, the faster your metabolism and the easier it is to burn fat.
A COLD BODY with a lower temperature
“Body temperature is so significant that it is virtually impossible to develop heart disease or type 2 diabetes while maintaining a healthy, albeit abnormal body temperature of 98.6 F into old age. Whatever your health problems are, don’t give up until you’ve brought that temperature back to normal. There are countless tips and strategies to do this, and it certainly doesn’t require starvation dieting, overexcercising, and the like, which lower body temperature like nothing else can.” – Matt Stone, Author and Independent Health Researcher – https://180degreehealth.com/.
A cold body with a low temperature generally has a suppressed metabolism, is more likely to store fat and experiences struggles with inflammation, diabetes, infections, estrogen dominance, and a host of other immune-compromised conditions.
“a slight decrease in temperature can promote inflammation”. – Dr Ray Peat
“Low temperature is one of the factors that increases the formation of estrogen”- Dr Ray Peat
Your temperature is a significant indicator of your health and metabolism. Therefore any strategy that will increase you temperatures is going to increase metabolism, prevent disease, and increase fat burning.
The best weight loss secret – and its to do with your temperature
Just increasing your temperature by 1 degree will increase your metabolic rate by 10-13%. This is one of the best weight loss secrets there are. So if you eat 1800 calories a day, by increasing your temperature 1 degree you can now eat nearly 200 calories a day MORE without impacting your weight.
The higher your temperatures, the faster your metabolism.
Testing your temperature at home can help understand how your metabolism is functioning.
A simple way to do this is to track your resting oral temperature and pulse rate.
In the 1940s, Dr. Barnes realized that the blood tests used to test thyroid hormone were usually inaccurate. Consequently, he developed a simple test to confirm suspected low thyroid function (metabolism) using an ordinary thermometer. He found that normal underarm or oral temperatures immediately upon awakening in the morning (while still in bed) are in the range of 97.8 to 98.2 degrees Fahrenheit. He believed that a temperature below 97.8 indicated hypothyroidism; and one above 98.2, hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Dr. Barnes recommended that the temperature taken immediately upon awakening be used to diagnose hypothyroidism. Its worthwhile noting, even today’s highly sophisticated tests are no more accurate than the tests used in Dr. Barnes’ era.
“Therefore, I instruct my patients to take their temperature orally (as opposed to underarm) immediately upon awakening in the morning as a guide to diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism. At the same time I have my patients check their resting pulse rate. If a patient exhibits hypothyroidism symptoms and his temperature is below 97.8 Fahrenheit, I prescribe one grain (60 mg) of Armour Desiccated Thyroid daily. If no improvement is noted in two or three weeks, I instruct him to increase the dose by another grain. At each step, we monitor morning temperature and heart rate. Dr Ward Dean world-renowned expert in anti-aging and life extension science, Dr Ward Dean
TEST YOUR METABOLISM. The testing protocols. Functional Performance Systems Blog
Using a thermometer placed under your tongue, take your temperature immediately upon waking and then 40minutes after a consuming a meal. Ensure you have been at rest for a few minutes before the reading.
Upon waking. Upon waking, an ideal temperature is between 97.8 – 98.6F (or 36.5C or more) and a pulse rate between 75-85 beats per minute (BPM). Other readings during the day should fall within these parameters as well with temperatures being closer to 98.6F than 97.8F. Temperature below this are a sign of a slowed metabolic rate or poor thyroid health.
30 minutes post breakfast. Next compare your post breakfast temps with your waking temps. There should be an increase in temperature and pulse rate following a good breakfast as the liver becomes energized allowing it to form the active thyroid hormone, triiodonthyronine (T3). If your metabolism is operating at healthy, optimal rate, then an increase in temperature by 0.5 Celsius post-meal is to expected. This increase is expected due to the heat produced by the metabolic influence of nutrition, circulation, and the oxidation of food.
Your afternoon temperature and pulse should increase relative to the morning readings because of the thermogenic effect of good nutrition and movement, and the metabolic stimulation from light.
Temperature or pulse should not decrease following meals. If it does this consistently, adrenal stress hormones can be playing a significant role in your physiology. The introduction of sugar from food lowers the stress hormones and provides a clearer outlook on the resting metabolism.
If temperatures particularly high upon waking. In some individuals with overactive adrenal stress hormones (adrenaline/cortisol), the temperature and pulse rate may seem optimal despite symptoms that indicate otherwise. In such people, the temperature and/or pulse will start to drop when metabolic efficiency starts to be restored. This is a sign of progress. Anything consistently over the optimal readings is either a sign of hypermetabolism or an exaggerated adrenaline/cortisol response
“If the night-time stress is very high, the adrenalin will still be high until breakfast, increasing both temperature and pulse rate. The cortisol stimulates the breakdown of muscle tissue and its conversion to energy, so it is thermogenic, for some of the same reasons that food is thermogenic. After eating breakfast, the cortisol (and adrenalin, if it stayed high despite the increased cortisol) will start returning to a more normal, lower level, as the blood sugar is sustained by food, instead of by the stress hormones. In some hypothyroid people, this is a good time to measure the temperature and pulse rate. In a normal person, both temperature and pulse rate rise after breakfast, but in very hypothyroid people either, or both, might fall.” -Ray Peat, PhD. Dr Ray Peat article – Temps, pulse and Metabolism
So If your temperatures are dropping after a meal or throughout the day then its time for you to dig a little further. Are you stressed? Has your sleep been solid? Are you eating enough food? Are you including Pro-Thyroid simple sugars? Are you getting sunlight? Are you NOT overtraining? This is very important to nail down as the drops in temperature will be correlated with a reduced metabolic rate, inflammation and weight loss plateus.
Functional Performance systems provide a downloadable pdf data sheet to record your temps and pulses.
Temperature and Pulse Log by FPS
How is testing your metabolism by taking your temperature useful?
A Low body temperature is the first sign that your body’s metabolic rate is failing. It’s the first sign that any weight loss is about to come to a halt. It’s the first sign that your health is wavering, inflammation may be flaring and sleep is troubled.
This is the best sign you will ever get to pay attention. If your body temperature drops, or is low it’s time to address it. A low body temperature is a sign that your body needs healing.
Free Metabolic Health Assessment
I have developed a FREE Metabolic Health Assessment form, which will help you understand the health and efficiency of your metabolism. Free Metabolic Self-Assessment
We need to eat for Heat
Our temperatures increases after eating, which reflects the increased metabolic activity in our body.
“Since food, especially carbohydrates and protein, will increase blood sugar and T3 production, eating is “thermogenic,” and oral temperature is likely to rise after eating.” Dr Ray Peat
Eating upregulates metabolism. Fasting and skipping meals downregulates metabolism.
When food is oxidised in our cells mitochondria, (especially glucose) this creates energy which gets transformed into heat.
Include coconut oil
Coconut oil will increase basal body temperature whilst also increasing metabolism.
Medium chained fatty acids do not require bile to be broken down to enter the mitochondria. They go from the gut to the liver and are oxidised rapidly as quick energy, promoting the production of heat induced metabolism. Blog | coconut oil
Salt your meals
Salt is thermogenic and increases heat production, increasing metabolic rate, which decreases body fat (specifically abdominal fat) by decreasing the activity of the fat synthesizing enzyme. Increased salt intake is also anti-inflammatory, reduces cortisol and water retention. Blog | Salt
I use clean, unrefined, non-ionized White Sea salt (not pink and not grey)
Favour simple sugars (fruit- ripe fruit, OJ, raw honey) over complex carbs (starches, breads, rice, pastas etc)
Fructose is more thermogenic and is better at stimulating thyroid hormone than glucose or starch. Fructose stimulates T4 to T3 conversion (metabolism) much better than glucose. Fructose doesn’t require the release of insulin to enter the cell therefore it can be used to produce energy and heat. Blog | Fruit
Don’t drink TOO much water
Despite the “drink 8 glasses a day” trend we don’t need that much. (unless you are very active or work in heat). Water dilutes sodium and electrolyte levels and drinking too much will drop your temperatures rapidly. Drink for thirst.
Reduce intense exercise.
Science shows that strenuous exercise actually reduces temperatures, pulse and thyroid function. This is particularly true if you already struggle with thyroid/metabolic issues. Excessive or exhausting exercise increase cortisol and adrenalin, lowers temperatures and suppresses thyroid – quickly.
Rest after any training or stressful times
Ensure you are well rested after exercise or a stressful time for recovery and to restore thyroid functioning. You can test your temperatures and pulse post training to see how quickly you are recovering
Get sunlight directly on your skin.
My temps stay elevated the day after morning sunlight exposure. Daylight stimulates our ability to use oxygen for energy production and protects our tissues from some of the free-radical toxins that are produced by stress. Daylight and red-light stimulates metabolism, decreases food cravings and helps with hormonal balance and mood. Blog | unusual pro-metabolic weight loss hacks
Be aware of your emotional state.
Negative emotions such as frustration, resentment, anger, guilt, shame, helplessness, despair, disappointment, uncertainty, loneliness, annoyance, sadness, powerlessness, confusion and hurt change our hormonal state, increasing cortisol, decreasing body temperature and decreasing metabolic activity.
Reduce stress
Everything from psychological stress (emotional issues, unhealthy relationships), to environmental stress (not enough sunlight, toxic cleaning or skincare products) or just an overly busy lifestyle. Temps drop when cortisol rises. A stressed body will have a lower temperature and poor metabolic health.
11 (there had to be an 11) – Get plenty of sleep
You will always find your waking temps and pulse will be higher after a restorative nights sleep. Make this a top priority.
Heat is a product of a high metabolic rate. A warm body is a metabolic, healthy, fat burning body. Be aware of your own physiology and what you can do to improve it.
My recent guide, the Metabolic Blueprint has over 100 solutions to increase heat and metabolism. You can still use my ½ price launch code mb50%off. This will be the only guide you will ever need to read.