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Getting into great shape whilst eating a variety of delicious food and still feeling great and without destroying your metabolism…….really is possible!!

Ming is an international professional ProComp bikini model from Thailand.  Ming recently placed 3rd at a WFF International professional bikini division in a line-up of 19 professional bikini athletes at the WFF Shanghai International Terra cup in China.

Ming did her entire preparation with ProComp and used a Pro-Metabolic nutritional approach with a structured resistance weight training program.

Pro-Metabolic nutrition is based upon the research of leading endocrinologist, Dr Ray Peat.  ProMetabolic nutrition is designed around eating food that will up-regulate thyroid gland functioning and the regulation and balancing of hormones.

I have been a coach and athlete for over 20 years and key point that I have concluded is that a hormonally balanced body with a fast metabolism is the healthiest and easiest way to effortlessly
drop body.

So..what did Ming eat?

Ming’s Pro-Metabolic diet consisted of ripe fruit, pure juice, seafood, rice, cheeses, bone broth, yoghurt, coconut oil, eggs and finished each day with quality Lindt chocolate. Quality chocolate was included in Ming’s entire preparation at her request.

Ming’s nutritional strategy had her eating more pro-thyroid food each week. Her stomach become flatter, her body tighter, her measurements dropped, and she felt amazing. She looked absolutely incredible!!!

There are a number of ways that anyone can drop weight or get into shape.  The traditional approach forces fat loss by stressing your body with low calories and loads of exercise and cardio. Another approach is to support fat loss by increasing metabolic rate that, in turn, creates a healthier body. Both of these approaches work.  One is gruelling and stressful and the other is easy and becomes a way of life.

ProComps 12 week Boost and Shred Pro-Metabolic Meal plan

We are delighted to announce the release of our 12-week boost and shred meal plan program.  It’s a great way to start and commit to your very own 12-week challenge. Our boost and shred program consist of 6-weeks of programs to upregulate metabolic rate and improve hormonal balance then 6-weeks to shred and get leaner. Join the hundreds who are already getting great results from this unique approach!!!!

PM me if you are interested in being coached by the ProComp coaches and learning how to look and feel great using delicious, nourishing Pro-Metabolic nutrition.

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