The secret – rewire your brain to program it for next level results
Your language and thoughts are so incredibly powerful. The one person who will influences you the most in your lifetime, who talks to you the most – is YOU. So how can you use this for success?
Sometimes we are not even aware of what our inner voice is influencing us to do. We have running conversations with ourselves all day, from the moment we wake until the moment we retire. With our thoughts and words we are constantly encouraging, supporting, energising, belittling, believing, loving or hating ourselves. Take control of these conversations and make sure that the dialogue you have with yourself is supportive, positive and uplifting.
Psychological research has shown us that the language you use creates your emotional state, Negative language is toxic energy and is the surest way to self-destruction and failure. Whereas positive self-talk will instil confidence, create energy, momentum, and even realign neurons to pave the road to success.
Why do you think psychologists travel with Olympic athletes, because we now know that in order to succeed and have that extra edge our thought processes and mindset are just as important as our training and nutrition.
The psychological component to weight loss is so often overlooked, but in fact it can actually be the missing piece for so many.
Today I write about the vast power of affirmations. Affirmation’s are empowering positive statements that you say to yourself. Science has found that affirmation’s can decrease stress levels, better your health, reinforce your self-confidence, calm you down, ground you in the moment, raise the level of feel-good hormones and spurs our brains to form new clusters of “positive thought” neurons. They are a tried and proven approach to breaking the patterns of negative thoughts, negative speech, and, in turn, negative actions that preclude all the progress in the achievement of your set goals.
Whilst you cannot rely exclusively on thoughts, Modern science supports the notion that Language and repetition can be a catalyst for self-improvement, motivation and success – you should never underestimate this.
I find “I Am” affirmations particularly powerful because whatever we attach to the words, “I am”, we inevitably become.
Affirmations affirm who you are. Your thoughts always precede your actions and if you start the day by telling yourself you are a strong, focused productive, energetic, disciplined person whose potential is unlimited, you will act like one. What an extremely positive, motivating and powerful way to begin any day.
“I AM are the two most powerful words.
Because what you put after the shapes your reality”
So find a quiet place, I love filling my mind with postage thoughts when I start my day. Its sets my intentions, it ensures my subconscious mind is in tune with what I want to achieve, it prevents negativity entering my mind or body and gives me energy to focus on what is important to me. I always get more done and feel in tune with my desires when I start my day with positive affirmations
- I choose easy, healthy weight loss;
- I wake every day excited to be better than I was yesterday;
- I create my future with the decisions I make right now;
- I respect and care for my body;
- I am proud of myself for choosing a healthy lifestyle;
- I love losing weight easily and enjoyably;
- I have a great attitude and I feel so positive;
- My metabolism gets faster and faster every day;
- With every step I take I am burning fat;
- I am successful at whatever I do;
- I feel wonderful and alive when I exercise and eat clean;
- I get leaner every day
- My healthy, fit lifestyle fills me with joy, happiness and pride in myself;
- When I eat a balanced diet I have bountiful energy;
- I take good care of myself and treat my body with respect;
- Healthy eating and daily exercise is my way of life;
- I make such smart choices every day;
- I am making my ideal body a reality;
- I love feeling great in my clothes;
- I respect my body;
- Healthy living is my way of life;
- I’ve got this;
- I am. I can. I do.
- I make smart nutrition choices every day;
- I love my healthy lifestyle;
Enjoy. Love your body. Become your greatest fan and encourager. Engage the power of your subconscious.
Our bodies cannot be separated from our minds. Our actions can not be separated from our thoughts.
Id love to hear your thoughts and what works for you